The “One World: Citizens of One World United” concert, organized by the ESG World Citizens and Digital Governance Foundation (ESGWD), was held on the evening of October 16th at the Eslite Songyan Performance Hall.
Since 2022, ESGWD has been promoting the integration of World Citizen Values into everyday life. October’s concert was held in preparation for the World Citizens Academy, hoping to inspire sustainable ESG behavior through the emotional power of music. The concert featured two songs: Citizens of One World and Who Can Heal, composed by Foundation director Stephen Ho and sister Grace Ho, to convey the importance of World Citizen Competency and concern for extreme climate issues.
ESGWD is committed to cultivating more individuals who identify as World Citizens: individuals who transcend geographical and political boundaries to care about and engage with global issues on all scales. Therefore, we aim to promote the core values of World Citizenship: Love, Empathy, and Inclusivity, and collaborate to create a peaceful, harmonious world and prevent crises such as climate change and war.
This year’s concert consisted of two parts: the first: Seeing the World Through Taiwan, and the second: Seeing Taiwan Through the World. The first half aimed to set aside political biases and religious prejudices, using music as a language to present stories from all corners of the world. The second half embraced nature through music, emphasizing the importance of environmental protection and sustainability.
The success of the event was made possible thanks to the support of many like-minded partners, including Puyong Archiland, Cathay Life Insurance, Wintech Microelectronics, Je Pun International, Taiwan Mobile, Taipei New Horizon, and all others who supported and sponsored this event.