Citizens of One World Concerts

2024 Million Students: Love Towards Sustainability – World Citizens Family Concert

Music is a borderless force, as is World Citizenship. This musical event aimed to establish a culture of World Citizenship and a future of mutual good by conveying the virtue every World Citizen should possess: Kindness. It also aimed to encourage the recognition of World Citizenship among Taiwan’s K-12 students and underprivileged groups, enhancing cross-cultural and cross-border collaboration and understanding. We aim to make every concert a model to showcase the power of World Citizenship, using music to bridge World Citizenship and ESG Sustainability.

With our mission of promoting World Citizenship education to the public through music, ESGWD hosted the “2024 Million Students: Love Towards Sustainability – World Citizens Family Concert” on September 15th, 2024, at the Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Building’s Guoguang Hall. The concert featured performances by vocalist 簡文秀教授、北科紅樓choir、拉縴人兒童choir and 淡江聽濤永續師生choir.

【Goals of the Concert】

  • To use the power of music to embed the concepts of World Citizenship and environmental sustainability into people’s hearts
  • To convey the virtue every World Citizen should possess: Kindness
  • To encourage recognition of World Citizenship among Taiwan’s K-12 students and underprivileged groups, while enhancing cross-cultural and cross-border collaboration and understanding


林伯杰 / 主持人

Guest Performers

簡文秀 / 聲樂家

何子明 / 作詞曲人、演出者

何子詩 / 作詞曲人、演出者

顏敏仁 / 演出者

林正一 / 小提琴

台大 EMBA Wonder4 弦樂團

張元鴻 / 小提琴

台大 EMBA Wonder4 弦樂團

李芸如 / 小提琴

台大 EMBA Wonder4 弦樂團

李坤達 / 中提琴

台大 EMBA Wonder4 弦樂團

郭乃華 / 大提琴

台大 EMBA Wonder4 弦樂團

王儷玲 / 演出者

JBC 合唱團

陳毅瑾 / 演出者

JBC 合唱團

曾敬哲 / 演出者

JBC 合唱團

北科紅樓合唱團 / 演出者

淡江聽濤合唱團 / 演出者


拉縴人少年兒童合唱團 / 演出者

淡江大學教職員美聲合唱團 / 演出者









Citizens of One World Concert 2023

The “Citizens of One World United” concert, organized by the ESG World Citizens and Digital Governance Foundation (ESGWD), was held on the evening of November 11th at the Eslite Songyan Performance Hall. With the theme of the Multiculturalism of World Citizens, this year’s concert combined music from diverse cultures of the world with original pieces to present the power of World Citizens through musical performances, conveying the culture of World Citizens and the hope for a better shared future.

Since 2022, ESGWD has been promoting the integration of World Citizen Values into everyday life. This year’s concert was held in preparation for the World Citizens Academy, hoping to inspire sustainable ESG behavior through the emotional power of music. The concert opened with the Foundation’s anthem, marking the start of the global musical journey. The main program featured performances by Israeli and Ukrainian pianists, with pieces inspired by the essence their home cultures, narrating stories from all corners of the world through music. The second half featured celebrated pianist 陳冠宇 and sister 陳怡婷 as guest performers, performing a selection of original music highlighting Taiwan’s unique cultural heritage while embracing nature and the earth through music. ​

The concert also incorporated interactive elements, including a sustainability knowledge competition to deepen the audience’s understanding of World Citizenship-related issues, and a sustainable art mural which allowed participants to not only express their thoughts about sustainability creatively using sustainable paints and brushes, but also encourage increased dialogue about topics regarding environmental sustainability.

ESGWD is committed to cultivating more individuals who identify as World Citizens: individuals who transcend geographical and political boundaries to regard and engage with global issues on all scales. Therefore, we aim to promote the core values of World Citizenship: Love, Empathy, and Inclusivity and collaborate to create a peaceful, harmonious world, and prevent crises such as climate change and war.

Guest Performers










Oren Dashti


Alex Pryrodny








Citizens of One World Concert 2022

The “One World: Citizens of One World United” concert, organized by the ESG World Citizens and Digital Governance Foundation (ESGWD), was held on the evening of October 16th at the Eslite Songyan Performance Hall.

Since 2022, ESGWD has been promoting the integration of World Citizen Values into everyday life. October’s concert was held in preparation for the World Citizens Academy, hoping to inspire sustainable ESG behavior through the emotional power of music. The concert featured two songs: Citizens of One World and Who Can Heal, composed by Foundation director Stephen Ho and sister Grace Ho, to convey the importance of World Citizen Competency and concern for extreme climate issues.

ESGWD is committed to cultivating more individuals who identify as World Citizens: individuals who transcend geographical and political boundaries to care about and engage with global issues on all scales. Therefore, we aim to promote the core values of World Citizenship: Love, Empathy, and Inclusivity, and collaborate to create a peaceful, harmonious world and prevent crises such as climate change and war.

This year’s concert consisted of two parts: the first: Seeing the World Through Taiwan, and the second: Seeing Taiwan Through the World. The first half aimed to set aside political biases and religious prejudices, using music as a language to present stories from all corners of the world. The second half embraced nature through music, emphasizing the importance of environmental protection and sustainability.

The success of the event was made possible thanks to the support of many like-minded partners, including Puyong Archiland, Cathay Life Insurance, Wintech Microelectronics, Je Pun International, Taiwan Mobile, Taipei New Horizon, and all others who supported and sponsored this event.

Goals and Purpose of “Citizens of One World” Concerts:

  • Music is a borderless force, as is World Citizenship.
  • Using music as an artistic medium to establish a culture of World Citizenship and a future of mutual good.
  • Every concert will serve as a model to showcase the power of World Citizenship, connecting the world through music.